Tips for Stocking Your Guest Bath


Hosting friends and family can be stressful. All the cleaning, planning and preparing for their stay can turn into a long to-do list. However, it doesn’t have to be!

Always be prepared by stocking your guest bath with essentials. Being stocked means you’ll be ready for guests any time!

Here are 5 tips for stocking your guest bath.

Tip #1:


Baskets are a very easy way to keep all of the essential items handy and organized. You can place baskets under the sink or on the vanity. Guests will have easy access to many different products and will not have to ask your for assistance or * gasp * go through your closets looking for what they need.

Stock these baskets with a variety of items: deodorant, lotion, Q-tips, hair spray, bobby pins, nail clippers, mouthwash. The list is endless. I’ve stocked a basket for each of my guest rooms using product samples and extra items I’ve accumulated in my closet.

A must-have item is wrinkle-release spray for those clothes that did not travel well in their luggage. I can confirm that guests love having this!

Think about what you typically pack when you travel. It also helps to broaden the list to accommodate men, women and children.

Examples of my baskets are below.

Tip #2

Provide a hair dryer, curling iron and other styling utensils. They don’t need to be the best options on the market but many guests travel without these or may have forgotten theirs. I keep a hair dryer in both guest bathrooms, I think it’s a must. A curling iron and straightner are nice but if you don’t have extras to provide, I think these can be skipped.

Tip #3

Don’t forget the fresh towels! Provide at least 1 full size towel per guest as well as fresh wash cloths and hand towels.

In one of the guest baths, I stock the wash cloths and hand towels in, you guessed it, a basket! To fill the basket, I also added glasses, one for drinking water and the other filled with Q-tips.

My other guest bath has a shelf under the vanity where I keep fresh, folded, white towels for guests.

If your guests are staying longer than 2-3 days, make sure they have fresh towels throughout their stay. You can provide 2 per person before they arrive. Or if you do not have enough towels to stock, plan on washing the used towels during their stay.

Tip #4

Have enough essentials! You know….those toilet essentials.

Make sure there are extra rolls of toilet paper, ideally three. Not that you expect your guests to go through that much toilet paper but many toilet paper holders hold that amount. I’m in the habit of keeping all of my holders full, to the top! I think it looks best, and you’re prepared. Also, 3 is a great number if you have to stack in a pyramid because you don’t have a holder.

Keep a plunger handy and available. Hopefully there is a closet inside the bathroom to keep this hidden but accessible, however that’s not possible all the time. If there is a discreet place to house a plunger, I’d suggest keeping one in the guest bath. Guests can be very embarrassed to ask for one, if needed.

Tip #5

Keep a color scheme throughout the bathroom, even the shampoo/conditioner products in the shower. This may be nit-picky but I pay attention to details and when it’s done well, guests will notice it too.

Staying consistent is key, in my opinion. The bathroom below has a pink scheme.
